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Hey, I'm new to this game. Do you have any idea when it will be finished? No rush, just curious.

My guess is given the current speed and the number of the version. probably about over 2 years. unless the updates get bigger i would guess. but either way, it will be a long time.

Hey! I was wondering  how to switch to a different version of the game to download. 1.14.1 is only the first day of Tom's for me and I wanted to play the full route. Can anyone help?

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Don't mind me! I'm just here to see some furry gay porn!

Just started playing around with this VN and I can already say that I am completely blown away by the stellar facial animation and dialogue writing.  Though I want to ask one question, Jayce is "mixed" what does this mean? Is he like a hybrid of two different feline species?  Anyway keep up the amazing work!

well with the context of the history is something like that, because he has strips even knowing that he's a feline, also that explain about his hair is not dyed

House Cat + Tiger

Deleted 1 year ago

😁 I can really  relate


Can u give the mega link for android?  For some reason i can't download from here.

what this update round?

Has someone been able to download 14.1 ?, every time I try to download it, I download 14.0 instead

OH CRAP! picked the wrong file! It's fixed now! Sorry! >A<

perfect!!, thanks, now I can see what's new about "husband" tom >:3

Are you sure it's fixed? It's still says 14.0 for the Android build

Kinda curious how he gonna make an NSFW with Rask. Like is he a switch.


Awwww I want moree can't wait. Good job btw <3 :3


i just finished the game the last moment was gay as hell but also funny as hell


hey can u add a sfw option


NEVER!!! >C<9 It would destroy the moment =3=9 even though there isn't any NSFW yet =3=a lol V:

lol then i will download before u add nsfw


does this vn have nsfw stufzzzz?????.^-^

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Not yet.

I've just started playing, and looks like Lask will be my favourite route


Tom is my baby so cute, so handsome

It's so obvious he's head over heels in love with Jayce. Yet Jayce is completely obvious to it. The whole situation must be painful to Tom...

Wait, what happened to bebeh Jayce from the flashback in Tom's route?! He's not showing up now! I was making my new save files for Tom's route to just keep everything up to date and see that cute flashback again, but there was no bebeh Jayce! Where is my precious bebeh boi?!


He was... TAKEN!! ;3;9 BY THE BUGS!! \ ;3;/



Whats the diffenrent between opt 3 and opt 4 adroid download?

Some android phones don't work so they have to choose between the two that works.

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but for me at least Rask's route is broken on the android version. At the start of day 2 when you meet John and Rask at school, the conversation jumps to the train choice of pushing John off your lap or letting him lie there right after he mentions the fast food that Rask bought. If you try to keep playing it crashes from there. 

Did you start a new game? There is a specific value that must be triggered at the start of his route otherwise it'll go crazy as I've warned in the dev logs @3@

Yea I started a new game several times and tried different choices to see if it was a specific choice that did it but couldn't make it past the bug.

Hmm... that bug is from last patch. Are you sure you downloaded the right one? .14 is the current version and I tested it myself, again. 

Soooo... make sure .3./

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it worked this time. I guess I must've screwed up the update somehow, thanks for the help!

I have to say that I liked this update a lot, it is not one of the best but it is decent, my favorite part was where rask praises jayce's stripes, also that even though the day felt like a copy and paste of john's he knew how to mark his Originality, although I must say that now there is more mystery in Tom's name, since here it says that his surname is nully, but on his route, in the memory of Jayce he makes a mistake and says sarabi, but then he corrects himself by saying nully. .. this now left me very intrigued (also the fact that now for some reason he likes rask ... even though he probably just respects him ... also another thing I have to say is that the end of rask leaves me intrigued, already that having two uncles is very mysterious and living in the middle of a forest is very suspicious ... at least for me) *insert sound of making crazy theories*

I also forgot to say that in the part of the memory where jayce meets tom for the first time there is an bug ... or so I think, since the image of jayce is not seen as a child ... it will be a mistake or is it to keep it as a secret?


I made a mistake when I was optimizing the codes for the sprites TT3TT, it's fixed now but I have to do compile everything again and upload ;3;// THE CRUELTIES OF EFFICIENCY!!

Gallery doesn't seem to work...

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Dev's still working on it. The choice is there but it's still not functional.

I'm about to start playing this game... does it have any explicit sexual scenes or explicit nudity scenes? Or at least sexual tension between characters somehow? Just to be sure, thanks :)

Not....Yet, i think

Sorry but your answer doesn't convince me... there aren't any explicit scenes, am i wrong?

No, there aren't any explicit scenes as of the moment but the developer plans to add explicit scenes later on when the story gets to it.

Okay, then. Thanks. How long does it take to update? Once a month, like other VNs?


Yep! Once a month, on the 25th.

How to get to Rask's route?


on day one: take a left, then head back

And how to get to John's route?

Day one: Take a right, switch seats with John



this rask's day ending is really funny one lol no spoiler just find it your self😉

Now i really want to know all their high comparison lol and how strong jayce really are he even can't control his own power, and i also really want to see him in gym with maccon and see can maccon control jayce power🙃.


Not much of an update... Totally weak.

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all routes are only on their second day dude, you cant expect anything crazy to happen jet, it will mostly be overlap between the characters routes for some time, if it jumped straight  into the ham and cheese, i wouldnt feel paced would it. you cant have every update be incredible, especially the first one. gotta give him time

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I love all their front portraits~, they look so goooood, (also like the little detail on the starting menu art of the Caller's name on the phone whenever you end each route~)

Loved the newest update, especially how you have integrated the stripes story into rasks route now. was very nice to read. 

Also ,always, Rask is best boy
.....and i know someday he will surprise everyone with witty comebacks after he has watched his friends long enough. ^v^

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Yay update, its 01:15 in my country and looks like it's a good thing to stay awake at night lol thank u monchimutt


When rask "killed" us SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME, omg even the music stops, you should DEFFENITLY add a little screamer in that part or a CG of rask stabbings us

Could you please make it to were you can choose to order the well done stake, I was honestly a little mad that the game chastised my choice in steaks and then prevented me from choosing it, so could you please make it an actual choice and not a gag choice?


Another delay, PLEASE STOP THROWING SNITZELS AT ME!! *sleeps under salted pretzels*


*throws unsalted pretzel at you* TAKE YOUR TIME >:3


*passes a cup of water* stay hydrated

Ok... We throw fries INSTEAD!!

take all the time you need, patience is a virtue to have something of quality :3


* Looking at the page and looking for a game with my rottweiler paws * I think it will be later because this visual novel is great

Is their patch notes for the update 15 hours ago?

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Sooo.. I'm reading the comments and I figure that everyone is getting into some "routes". But my game stopped at pretty start saying something about patreon, does that mean I can't play it "yet"? Oh and I play with Android, if that even matters, any info could be useful THANKS.

All routes are now open. Problem before is that some assets and story doesn't follow how I wanted so I had to block them out.

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So I can now continue playing? When the game stopped it was when you said "thanks for playing" in early game and it stopped. And it still does that. Also THANK you very much for you response, really appreciate it!

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Will we able to date Zale to?

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