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Okay so Mac route was just a left in right will still continue?

Just me or the more insecure someone is the more likely they will snark at everything?

Wait... Why is there 2 downloads for android. Which one should I download? ._.

If one doesn't work, try the other .3./

Really weird problem with Android


Dang @3@ what route is this?

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I think Tom's  route.

I believe this is John's route, as his is the only one that gets to the second day, which is when this scene occurs.

Oh yeah saw it on the windows too


I feel Tom, John, and Rask will be more interesting. For Tom there is hints he has romantic feelings for Jayce according to a certain dialogue in Maccon's route (I feel bad for Tom in Maccon's route for going for Maccon), Tom's whispering and the the flashback and the reason why they haven't see each other for years makes it more interesting  for what's come. In John's route I think it's a transition from a best friend to a boyfriend because of the CG and John moving in to Jayce's house. Finally for Rask is will interesting because of the social norms of him being a Gray and how will people react to him interacting with Jayce. I look forward to see more!

I'm thinking Maccon will be just as interesting. I get the feeling he may have something to do with El Tigre Lobo, Jayce's childhood hero.

Found a grammer error in John's route. It goes: "I can't depend on other people's handouts! Jayce." 


Tom is great and Jayce is super real. My heart breaks for him holy cow the poor guy. Well I'll just have to hook him up with Tom and get him some well deserved love. :P

My favorites is so far is Tom, John and Rask. But Tom's and Rask's route is short. When's the next update?

every 25th of the month...also if the creator don't have any problem xd (but it say it though :v)

Thnx dude. 



Anyway I freaking love the CGs, and ngl I was taken by surprise on John's cg and that cg probably make me like him more-

I was playing maccon's route again and I found that there is a small error, the scene where David appears still happens on this route knowing that you already sat with him and saw them (so it should not happen ... although it is also curious that It only happens in the pc version ... I'm also sorry that it's a photo, I don't know how to take a screen or to the pc without the game becoming invisible :V)

Hmmm owoa I'm sure I uploaded the fix for it. Well upon checking I already fixed it on my part .3.a so next update then!

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I think that when Cole gets angry, instead of calling them millenials he should call them zoomers, because it's more accurate and funnier imo.

Also I really like how different routes affect the other characters as well, like how Tom invites you to the gym because of Maccon instead of having a serious talk about shitty parents when you run away from him in the morning. 

I love the inclusion of Jayce's portrait for when he speaks, it may not seem like much to some but being able to see the protagonist's face in a first person visual novel isn't a given. Although I'm a bit confused at the inclusion of the front facing portraits for John and Rask when you also see their full body sprites, I believe the front facing portraits should be used whenever characters are "in your party" per se, so imagine they're next to Jayce, while he is talking to a third character (is that clear? Or should I try rephrasing that im not sure if it's understandable)

All in all this is a great wip VN, I plan on starting to support you on patreon soon, you deserve it monchimutt!

The front portrait is meant to show that their in a position that they can't just stand around or there's no much to do in the scene.

.3.a course this is all experimental so if it doesn't make sense or I'm just killing myself, I'll do something about it .3./ lol.

by all means keep experimenting, it looks good so far, im only giving an opinion from the perspective of someone who has no idea how hard it is to make a game like this. Good luck for the coming future!

I NEED MORE TOM RIGHT NOW! >:( The Maccon route Tom is so cute and I need him in my life ^w^


Same he is so much gayer in the Maccon route, hope something involving the both of them eventually comes up >:)

really liked the new update. and even on johns route Rask shows why he is the most adorable Pup and my favorit. 

Why does it say that it has been updated 9 minutes ago? I don't see anything new...

Bug fixes.


Oh, ok.

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It is really worth the wait, I loved the update, I really think that John is very funny, also the thing of train seemed very cute, although I have to say that the sprits from the front look a bit strange but it really was a good addition, also that I like that that things from other routes are applied is very good, but I really loved that that John did in the end I really liked it and I think he made it one of my favorite routes (because it is the funniest xd ... although I still have doubts about his parents :v)

Hi! Just played newest build, it`s becoming better and better with each update. Thank you for your work. And I have a question, do you still have older build with Maccon, where he tried on new T-shirt? I need those pecks.

Deleted 4 years ago
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It was build 0.08, but there is no way to download older builds from the developer log.

You should use spellcheck... tons of spelling and grammar mistakes ("pleasent", "opposite from that").

John was my favorite ever since I discovered this VN and the newest update made me love him even more~ That CG was so niiiiiiiice~

Amazing update, Monchimutt! Can't wait for another update!


Well i always little confused with how furry faces looks different from the front and from the side, they always feels different. The muzzle(snout?)is the problem though since 2d things make the muzzle looks flat and more like human face, but when you see it from side way you can clearly see how long the muzzle was. So yeah perspective is really trouble some, and little things can make them looks different. So keep going monchimutt we are here for you, welp for your work actually lol.


There is a problem on the second day of Rask's route,

In the afternoon part , it looks like it's the repeat from John' route.

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And in the morning part it looks like it have some problem about timeline queue


Rask's second day wasn't meant to be released. As you can see, it's still unfinished. It's still nice to have more content though.

I hate the fact that this VN is what I imagined my highschool to be like.



He's watching you... and your every moves...



Yayyy new update, hunted for both CG when you mentioned it at the end. Skl, saw a minor bug at the maccon route, where david dashes stealthily from sir zale(even tho he's already at the seat due to the collar-wallet scene) 

Thanks .3.b I'll look it up.


Known bugs so far:

Rask second day, which should not have been implemented yet and I kind of forgot to cut it before updating @w@/ My bad!


🅱️ug = 🅱️onus



This game is so cute, and the art is really nice. I hope this gets finished!! 


Insert stick bug moosik

I was expecting that Maccon have a long route but its nice, perfectly fine to read and its lifting my feelings to this story... I how this game will grow more exciting and fun to play...



will David have a route


And here I thought I was the only one who wanted a route for him

please if its not to much to ask give him a route he's just too adorable and and too much of a interesting character to not give a route to but if you don't i understand




It's okay monchi, take your time, no pressure.  👍

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

I was waiting for almost 4 weeks now, but it’s ok I guess…


Thats fine but just curious when wil the update garenteed to be releast ?


Ye it fine :3 I'll be wating tho :3


Take as long a you need <3 I'm sure the update will be top tier like all the other ones x3

Okay, okay, if it is to have more quality it will be worth waiting more (although I'm still curious about what the update will be>: 3)


We don't hate you. All we ask is David route.


No update today:


(1 edit) (+1)

Spoiler for the TOH fans:

lilith was the one that cursed edalyn


Wey- no0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0, well, i khow that xD


Lmao edi wow

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm confused to when the next update will be since last months was late


me too


Nice Hombre Tigre photo


rawr, AmigOwO


Update will be today or later?

Give us the David route, Monchi.

will the update be tomorrow owo?


HELLO! I made an account solely to give you a boost in comments and engagement for this wonderful piece of art!! Probably my favorite VN in quite a long while. I know I do not offer much with just mere words ($$$$$) but know that I greatly appreciate the amazing work you did (and are doing) here!

It's soooo rare to see animated sprites in visual novels, and I can tell the amount of love and effort you put into this project. I really really want to praise this more. I love how you set up the whole story and setting (which is pretty different for the whole furry VN genre), and it's honestly entertaining for me to watch things unfold, despite me not being able to wholly relate to the extent of Jayce's social awkwardness. I looove it!

The dialogue feels fluid, heck you even make the "text dialogue" keep their flair in their supposedly digital form. The intro music is a soothing piece for my feelings. Aaaahhhhhhhh~~~~~~~


Hey monchimutt, may i ask a question, it says that it updates every 25th of the month but may i ask, in what timezone exactly?


I think in the Philippines’ Timezone…


Okay Thanks for the info :)

Hey monchimutt, I have a question, I wanna know what song you used for the title screen, I tried all the songs that the credits gave but I didn't hear it, might have missed one, but please tell me as I'd love to know


Oh it's custom made .3.a so it has no name and the musician is in hiding o3o lol~ :V

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Oh- Well that's disappointing, I guess I just have to keep the title screen open if I wanna hear it XD

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you're welcome :p

:DDD Thank you so god dam much!

Can we date David? ✨ U W U ✨ 

I wish so too. But it is unlikely since his brother is already dateable.

well, Tom and John are bros. also, yes, I know I'm late, only just discovered this VN today.

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