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So a couple of things with this update.

What I liked:
- The new introduction for Mac was pretty good! Jayce going through a proper panic attack was a good touch to bring that plot point more to the foreground than it has been, especially considering that this particular part of the game didn't really effect anything in the story before.
- Using the panic attack to introduce Mac is also a great way to introduce him to the player and clue us in on his personality with how he responds to it; you didn't really get much of a feel for Mac's personality in his old introduction so this is a huge plus!
- David is also an interesting addition to the cast. His particular quirks seem to play off the other characters pretty well. It'll be interesting to see how his character grows in future updates!

As far as this update is conserned, there's only one creative decision that I don't especially like, and that's the change in Mac's role in the story. Changing Mac from being a student/classmate is a very odd choice, to say the least, especially when he's specifically referenced in Tom's route when Jayce gets to class (specifically as a "beefy wolf" who sits behind Jayce), which makes me think this was a decision made sometime during production for this update. It also limits his presence in the story, at least logically. Mac being a student gives a reasonable excuse to have him interact with Jayce and the others often, as they go to the same school, but without that connection, a logical reason has to be given for Mac to be at the school every time he shows up there, and delivering David's lunch will only cut it for so long before it gets stale.
Now, I don't know what may or may not be planned for future updates to Mac's route, but I feel like Mac needs to have some kind of role in the school, regardless, because otherwise the story is gonna rely on David and Tom to instigate most - if not all - interactions between Mac and the rest of the cast, which doesn't make for an especially compelling narrative.
If Mac isn't going to be Jayce's classmate, then there are a few other options for his role at the school; he could be a student only part-time or taking some of his classes online so he has time to work; he could be a teacher's aid for some of Jayce and John's classes; he could be a new coach, assistant coach, or even an instructor for one of the extracurricular activities (e.g. cycling, tennis, dance) at the school; what Mac's role in the school actually is doesn't really matter so long as he has a reason to come to the school during the day and interact with the rest of the cast.

Other Comments/Issues:
- I got a weird glitch where reloading any save that has John on screen won't load in his body, making him just a floating head. No other character has this issue as far as I can tell; this is a problem specifically with John's sprites.
- David's sprite looks kinda young compared to the others, at least to me. Assuming Jayce and John are at least 18, David looks closer to about 14 or 15 to me. 

Overall, the last couple of updates have really delivered in terms of quality, and this one is no exception; I just think it could still use a bit of re-working, and some of the creative decisions made for it reevaluated. The new direction with Mac's route isn't necessarily wrong or bad, just very limiting in opportunities for interactions between him and Jayce during the week, most of which will rely on David or Tom as the reason they're happening at all. All I'm saying is that Mac's presence and role in his own route needs to be considered when most of the cast is going to spend so much of their time at the school (eight hours a day for five days a week, plus extracurriculars). Food for thought.

All things considered, keep up the good work!


I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above, specially about the issues with the new path for Maccon.

(1 edit)

As stated in my dev log, every update curses the old saves, so you have to start a new game and just skip. XD sorry! 

David's design, like everyone else before, is getting a redo. Thanks to my sprite management system, I can easily change his design without having to recode >wOb 

For Maccon's screen time~ NO SPOILERS!! >W<

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I have a crush on David UwU

Everyone does now uwu


The game is pretty nice, even if it's short until now. The background art, the character's design, the character's expression... All of it is amazing! The only thing I didn't like too much was when the MC met Maccon for the first time. It was like the game was trying to impose a relationship between him and Jayce, not that I'm complaining, and this is just a silly point of view : / 

Wait what... Where is the download button? Am I missing something? ._.

(1 edit) (+3)

Ok Monchi. About the last update for Maccon's Route. Great art, great music, great animation but the story was more likeable for me in the older version. I liked both Maccon and David but this update feels more about David and Tom that about Maccon and I find the new settings in Maccon's route set more hardships for Jayce because his interactions with Maccon now needs a least one of two persons as a bridge. I am not asking you to revert the story, I think that what happened in this update will be improved in the next updates for this route. So keep the good work. 

I think the biggest problem is that since Maccon is no longer a student he's only gonna get half the screentime all the other characters in his own route are gonna have, since his appearances will be mostly limited to after-school scenes. He might get a few scenes during school but most if not all of them will likely just be him checking up on David and almost immediately running off to work.

Valient,I did not want to give many spoilers. But yeah. Now you will need a good relationship with Tom or David to get time with Maccon since Maccon is no longer a student plus you only get to have time with Maccon outside college unless he is doing something for his little brother. But I think Monchimutt will find a way to fix this without reverting the story.

Finally!! hell yeah been waitting... lov u lov u lov u...!!


I haven't played it yet but I can already feel that Maccon will have a shirtless sprite.



*knowing wink*


stickmanss chillout heyyyy chill don't go overboard chill shhh shhh it's ok, heyyy calm down everystickman i'm gonna call the police brooohss have patience


monchi it seems i can't hold them off becareful they're coming at you

Oh my god I love this


*waiting intensely*


lmfao same

Oi, which route will be next?

(please tom's please tom's please tom's)

I'm assuming Maccon since his route is not in the game right now.




By the way, I always wanted to know for sure: does "maccon" spell [meicon](like in "bacon"), or [mAcon]?


Pretty sure it's the second one. I don't think Spanish has the long A sound unless it's spelled like "ey" or something. 


Yes, it´s the second one. The first one would be with "mei" or "mey", mostly the "mei"


It's ok monchimutt..just take your time finishing it


6w6 *definately hide in a bunker in case of a horde of angry furries*


If you want to  say that we will need to wait more so i guess this is wise idea

Just kidding take you're time

Take your time! Don't rush yourself, we can wait as log as we need to.


i know why mutt is taking too long for the update

he's adding more [BEEFY CONTENT] for Maccon   *wink wink nudge nudge*


2-3 days they said so tommorow is gonna be the 3rd day, All this waiting is worth it if its for maccon 👀


Ikr peeps gonna be screamin if its not gonna update tomorrow

(1 edit) (+1)

all this waiting... is making me CRAZY!

 and exited :v

ok im hella confused lmao so "Help Rask" is that rasks route or Johns im confuzzled

Under construction .3.b lol

Well no kidding lol Gahhh i thought rasks route was updatedddddd

Oh right i wanted to ask, is the Wolf who speaks spanish going to be a love interest?

Yeah. His route was already in the game but it got taken out like 4 months ago. I'm assuming the next update will finally add it back in.

Ahhh thank youuu

The game is (fun)ny the dev is funny and the peoples who played it became funny too, like in the comments below lol. Still love you all.


Yeah .3. the delay may take 2-3 days. .3./ please dont stare, is creepy.



jk i love u


aww.. *insert sad Mac emoji*

nvm I can still wait *pats*


someone will be like if the update was short:


it's ok we still love your work we have patience uwu


What happened?

(1 edit) (+1)

Don't worry, we still appreciate your work, And as I always say, Sometimes, The things that take long to make are the ones that are the things that people will truly find meaningful and amazing.

(Unless your yanderedev XD)


no worries ... *Stares intensely*


It's okay, i can wait :333 i love your work btw:DD


oh okaayyyyy~


I've been waiting since 7am for the update, I WANT MY MACCON >:"U


me too


There will be a bit of delay for the update, still adding and fixing stuff. Stay tune .w./

I'm gonna wait till 12 am if I have to, If I get lucky, I might even get to wait until 6 am XD




Is the update today? :3


Probably at 11:00 am will start a discord stream and then publish it here :P

Im not sure though so I don't guarantee you it might be true what I said 030


Maccon route is the one coming ? 

Yessssss but let's just admit that Tom route is the best ! 

I hope there is drama in the vn (I love drama)


Nobody can convince me otherwise




Look in the mirror and tell me what you see. You see yourself right? Yes, You are the best boy.... Always have been...


ahh sh*t i can't fckng w8 for DADDYYYYY MACCON ROUTE i wanna ride his diiiiiiickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk right now

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hey self are you ok? are you going cuckoo rn 🤣🤣 you know what

you're not you when you're hungry

here grab a snickers


Forget to change accounts mate?

(1 edit) (+1)

hahaha im crying 😂😂😂


Was gonna point out he said self but then I realised it was edited sooo nevermind


Omg, can't wait for the update tomorrow

(1 edit) (+2)

11 minutes ago lmao

Same :]


When is the next update of this game im so excited


the Updates are every 25th of the month. 


Are we going to have more Maccon content in the form of a route soon?


in theory, yes, since according to the author the update that is coming is his, because he is rewriting all the routes (also the very nice one, I don't think he will delete it :3)


Hello. I've been following you for a while since you have started this and all I can say is that I enjoyed very much the visual novel. The sense of humor and the socially awkward theme captures it very well, along with funny facial expressions on the protagonist and the main characters that gives a lot of enjoyment and enhances the reading experience. You really now how to keep comedy and drama on the same boat. :D

Just a simple opinion on your animations...














Hello monchimutt idk if its just me but sometimes for most of renpy vn that i play when the keyboard pop up the screen will stuck at the top like this, it's doesn't happening if the keyboard don't make the screen goes upward though, well i think renpy had a problem with keyboard thing, since there's 2 problem with keyboard that i found while play vn that's use renpy, first is what i explained before and the second is if the screen doesn't go upward for some vn the word will disappear after you click the enter button so be careful with that. And I play version 0.11 btw, i found that if you clik the home button and open this vn again it will back to normal so there's nothing serious here but it's just little annoying, but i love yours story so far so keep it up, and be safe, healthy, and happy because we need you write this vn to the end lol.

I... don't know how to fix that XDa What version of android does your phone/tablet have? 

android 10 btw, maybe that's exactly why i got  this kind of bug very often, since the renpy not updated to user who have android 10?.

Maybe @w@ sorry but I think this is a compatability issue, and shouldn't your keyboard goes into "Pop up" mode? .3.a

for my phone it will drag the screen text box upward so i still can see what i write but usually it's will came down again afterwards, but for the vn from renpy sometimes it will stuck like that, but yeah it's maybe just compatibility issues, it's not a big problem though since i can fix it with just click home button and open it again or just use safe files, but it's may be a little annoying if there is more thing to write in the game for the next update lol,  but afterall i still love your vn though so don't worry about it.

Lmao Monchimutt is so quirky even in that he doesn't even have his own profile pic unlike the others. Cute.

UWU i can't wait i want to time travel to july 25th just to see maccon update *laugh and choke intensifies*

When did I ever say that? 9w9

Deleted 4 years ago
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