Socially Awkward 0.10 Rask Route.


#Rask route is now open with a full rewrite to his day 1.

# More emotes added to Jayce and Rask.

#Added music to the end of day 1.

#Added some... special effects? You'll see it in Rask's route. Might add more >wO/

The whole update is entirely focused on Rask's rewrite. So please don't load any of Rask related saves, it will crash .C. 

Why did I rewrite his story? Old Rask didn't follow the way I portrayed the world I made for him, course that's my own fault since I'm the only writer, lol. But version 2.0, Rask fits right in the way I wanted him, both in personality and world influence. 

Hope this doesn't confuse the old players. If you find any errors, just head on over to my discord. Warning though, lots of hornies in there.

Known Issues:

# Rask calling Jayce by the phone instead of the given name by the player

# Rask's name gets revealed too early.

#Fixed some grammar along the way.

All of these are already fixed and will be applied in the next update.

Files 278 MB
May 25, 2020 295 MB
May 25, 2020
com.monchimutt.sociallyawkward-800000010-x86_64-release.apk 297 MB
May 25, 2020

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omg please keep making this!

I was wondering if you are no longer publishing Linux specific builds of the game?

For what its worth, the standard Windows build of Socially Awkward installs and runs perfectly fine on Linux. (Tested on Ubuntu 20.04)

If you're looking to cut down on upload times, you can mark the Windows build as executable for Windows and Linux on the upload page. 

Loving the game so far! :)

I feel like Rask's charm is back~ Sooo happy with the changes now, he's so adorable. Still my favorite. <3


Rask is so precious. :)


Good update, a little short but enjoyable 

A little nitpicking but when J was sleeping the writing kinda broke the first-person perspective by having us see R do things but J is asleep how does he know (unless he has cosmic universe power *GASP* plot twist).  Anyways enjoyed the update keep up the good work

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I've uploaded another version in the main page .3./ try the one at the bottom.


I enjoy your writing style so I'm sure you did great. Can't wait to give it a go.


Got a ton of help with grammar @3@/ (ty discord peeps)


grammar can be important but it's the emotion you put into it that gives it the flavor. :) I named the main character Arr, and he's honestly adorable. I enjoy the other characters too. You do a great job.

I've literally been pulling an all nighter waiting for this I'm so happy

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