Socially Awkward 0.28 (Spooooooky spooky spook!)

.3./\ Welp! He's here! The character who was thought to be some Halloween gag, BUT NO SIR!! OWO HE IS REAL AND HE IS DEMANDING RECOMPENSE! < C>

# Added Spoooooky ghooooooooos-spirit.

# Magic!

# Finally used that background *C*9 

For those that wonder why they can't to this stage, this is still a Tom's update as he's the only one I'm focusing right now. So please be patient and take the right and sit next to him, you bastards!

Files 480 MB
Aug 22, 2023 514 MB
Aug 22, 2023
SociallyAwkward-0.28.apk 514 MB
Aug 22, 2023

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Deleted 119 days ago

Only Tom's route is being worked on. So take a right and don't leave your seat. And yes, the game is not finished as... I mentioned(?) o3o

Deleted 74 days ago

Maccon stans are starving, me included ;w;

now we're gonna choose the route right, so why tom wasn't there with the choices? and why there's a route with him self? is that means its tom's route?


After knowing how much time he's spent dormant, he straight up just booted Jayce out of his house

NO TOM?! :( sad

Monchi you are my god,ty for blessing me with this scwumptious meal!!



Tom stans are eating good.... Because I know I am! Nyehehehehe!