I played this VN months ago, and I decided to come back to this now to see its progress. I was really surprised at how there was a complete rewrite of the entire story, and not to mention there was barely any progress from where I left.
Okay, um... you're going to barely progress this way (mostly as a writer) if you keep on doing this.
I'd like to say that the VN is kind of 90% dialogue and 10% narration to me. (Whether this is good or bad, I don't know. This is a visual novel, and so, the art, images, and sfx already satisfy the reader when they read.)
To me, the narration or writing style felt more plot-driven or straight-forward. Of course, I still found the flowery language that's present.
Jayce's childish and goofy nature is really evident throughout the entire story. Maccon's character gives off 'big daddy' vibes (asides from the external looks). John is the naughty kind of boy while David has the enigmatic, quiet troublemaker trope I guess. As for Tom, eh, he's more of a friendly brother, I guess?
Personally, there were scenes that I found quite boring or slow, not much going on and kind of meh.
I've yet to go to the other routes, so I don't really have all that much to say.
Overall, I don't hate it. The best advice I have to say is, to literally just keep on going. Don't rewrite again unless you're finished or you have something that fundamentally changes the story. It can be bothersome to the readers, but hey, it's your story.
okay so i just starting the new update and i got to say, you should TOTALLY add that "why are you running" meme audio to the game, not only is it a missed opportunity if there is a visual novel it fits so well with in terms of goofiness its this one X3
Ok i have some problems with the android build. It starts up normally with the renpy logo but then the game doesnt start. I managed to get it to work once but most of the time after the renpy logo it will just be a black screen. No idea what could be the problem.
I tried both but for both the same outcome. And I tried it several times and only got it to work twice. I dunno what i did differently to open the game normally those two times, it seems random if it decides to work or not. And if i close the app after it just worked it will not work again after.
Well it seems I'm the only one with that problem, so thats good. Also I played through the Tom update so I wont open the game until the next update again. So I just hope the next updates android version won't have that problem. Maybe it was just a one time fluke. Take your time with the next update nwn!
when I saw this game I could not wait to see what happens next and I ship Mac and jay all the way! and him with Rask and Tom I how to see the next update be bigger than the last! but I can wait to so don't worry I won't rush you.
I find this vn too relatable personally to give proper criticism. What I will say is take your time with it(with the sick-neck-thing) and make sure your heart is in it. Love this vn and find the art and animation beautiful.
I will try to find some healthy criticism to give, but that'll have to wait until future updates or I play it enough times. Either way, keep up the great work! :)
I love how the characters act to different things, also when Jayce needs to eat, and just goes OMNOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM like crazy, no fucks or anything
The sprites are great, the animations are good and flow well. Some moments with the autoscroll are good and pretty charming as well. Music while being mainly or completely royalty free fits the scenes and doesn't detract from the overall experience.
The humor is crude and personally annoying, but that's a matter of taste. Sexuality is depicted in such a hilariously infantile way that it makes me question whether this is supposed to parody or sincerely represent gay men. These are college students, not middle schoolers just getting their first real kick of testosterone. I sincerely hope some of these "death scenes" get cut from the final release as whatever message or moral you're trying to present regarding social anxiety and trauma gets completely shattered by mood whiplash when you stumble upon one of these.
I don't struggle with social anxiety so I can't comment on the accuracy of its portrayal here. The story is paced a little awkwardly but I wasn't too bothered. That being said, the latest update felt very vapid. A large part of text seemed to be dedicated to fanservice without regard for the core of the story. I do find it hard to believe someone like Jayce who overthinks simple customer service interactions would be able to call a man he just met a "huge slab of meat on the sidewalk". This makes it seem like interactions are comprised of canon and noncanon tongue-in-cheek moments which make it really hard to follow any outline for Jayce's character. This isn't brave of pushing boundaries, it's just getting unreadable. I hope you realize where I'm getting with this. Some fluff is fine, but this is dripping with excess.
Minor spoilers here.
The scene preceded by the very first set of choices in the game leading Jayce to have a panic attack is done pretty well. Sound effects, out-of-bounds text and blurred vision combine to show a harrowing scene where the main character loses control over his mind and body. This scene ends with a teacher offering assistance and we're almost immediately greeted with the text: "Your panic attack was conquered by the power of sexy."
This isn't cute. If you want this to be taken seriously, then write seriously. If not, congratulations, you've created mockery. I don't know what your intentions for this visual novel are, but so far it seems you're more interested in writing pornography. If so, I wish you all the best and I hope your patrons will be satisfied with your work. If you're trying to write something substantive, then I will pray you find the courage to approach your work with more honesty and take yourself more seriously. That is all.
How dare you give me good criticism that I've been asking for months now! >:( *Upvotes*
.3./ All I can reply to the weird nature of my writing is the "Cultural Difference". >3Ob that's all, thanks for the criticism btw! Also he's not a teacher o3o~
I'd like to suggest something, though I won't pressure you to add this/these.
> Adding a time limit to routes - A story with a limit may be a way to plan ahead and set the plots and events to specific days for a faster development (not really). Like for example, 20 days like in Sileo, a month like in Morenatsu, or just leave it the way it is now and the point of the story will still get across like Kingsguard, which has no actual timeline (observation? I dunno the word).
- David is kinda cute ( understatement ), and some of us may want a route of him. Maybe his birthday would be soon added near the start of the story, so that he'd be legible to date, then at the rest of his route after his birthday, Jayce would be developing his feelings for him and eventually leading to... you know..
(. _. )
>More bachelors- Maybe this will be added in the future for more content, but having less bachelors means more concentration on a certain route/story and less distraction and pessure.
Once again, I'm not pressuring you to add all of these, I don't want to be the cause of anything bad happening to you, your health is important to us, we support you, Laban lang lods ^w^
Agreed, I'd quite like a route with David myself. He seems charming, and very handsome/sexy to boot for that matter! Would be highly appreciated if you did deign to add a route for him down the road!
Otherwise the humor is great so far, and looking forward to learning more about the characters!
I, myself, have been waiting for the next update of geometry dash since 2 years ago, and I'm willing to wait more for this VN's next update.
No need to rush since we don't want you overexerting yourself over our personal satisfactions, rest if you need, rest, then proceed. Good luck on the rest of your journey mate!
Thanks for yelling at people for how they choose to play a game. Fuck, I pay attention to the story and even I’m annoyed by this comment. Some times people just wanna get there rocks off
Unfortunately, you can't stop them from doing what they want. It's their inner desires. Yes you can cuss at them but nope you can't tell them what they should do. It's their choice anyways no need to be pissed off ya know.
This visual novel is freaking fantastic! I love the hell out of this. Got cute, sweet, fun, sexy furry guys. Some real heart with them. And FUNNY as hell! I rarely get to laugh so hard in my life as I did with this VN. Tom put some *serious* work in this with the massive amount of expressions from the characters, including the player character. And some of the expressions were beyond golden for the moment (the 'scissoring' moment was and still is my personal favorite).
If I'm looking correctly it is John who is next. The release of the next update my guess is maybe in 4 or 5 more days but it is just a guess so dont take my word for it.
Wow, I go through a ton of VNs (seriously, way too many) and this one right off the bad is so different. All the people moving, the animations for characters, Jayce's facial expressions, everything seems so lively in a way that I have never seen in a VN before.
It is really amazing and I am super excited to get further in!
1) the route selection is completely random tbh. I got lucky and happened on Maccon on my first choices (those pecs). Would be nice if it was easier to know which choices went to which routes. 2) It's short :'( but I can't really fault you for that, every VN has to start somewhere and I loved the content so far. Keep it up!
Random as in I, as a player, could not choose the route that I want. The choices are unlabeled and therefore, I can only choose randomly and hope for what I wanted.
Also, a Filipino author? :0 Never seen that here before
Edit: oh yeah, forgot to mention. Is the author my classmate or something?! Looking back at it now, every single scenario and dialogue reflected back at my life as a student and as a socially awkward idiot - _-
Well, the humour hits well, as well as... well.. yeah.. anyways *dwindles fingers* (. _. )
I didn't expect too that the creator is a FIlipino too.
Just got playing this game recently. At the first background which is at home, I thought it was vaguely familiar that the home was kind of Filipino style until I saw the Puppybee (the Jollibee) and out of nowhere, laughter with happiness came out. I don't know why I felt that but one thing for sure is that he is certainly a Filipino and I'm also a Filipino. Great Job; it may be short but there's always a start; please keep up and I'll be waiting for the next update patiently. Hahaha
I know right. Pero masmaganda man lang sana kung ang eskwelahan ay galing rin sa realidad, I mean, no kidding, every graphics and backgrounds are amazing, it's just that it's better if he focused just on reality backgrounds or drawn backgrounds. Just my preference of every visual novel I played.
Tama ka rin na masmagandang maghintay kaysa ang paghinto ng VN. We can wait, no matter what.
There are some, for example, BL VN that are NSFW and some are not (I think) because it depends on the characters if they're buff and sexy and there are some that looked totally normal for others like "Ahh, this is a kind of visual novel I know", or something like that wouldn't gross them out. And they tell you that it's 18+ because there will be sex scene or intimidate scene inappropriate to 17 below.
Also, why bring at work when you're working, when you could play it at home, all alone (not saying the house should be empty but in your room alone without disturbance)
Yep but for some reason, David's 17. It's not been explained yet but it could just be a case that he started school early or he was capable of skipping a grade (Most likely the former)
Just wanted to join the chorus in saying - this VN is awesome! I really feel the characters coming to life, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing!
Don't feel guilty about being depressed and not getting as much work done as you'd like. So many people have issues with depression, especially creative people. I hate to say it, but the pain is, an will always be part of the whole. I've used my covid-isolation suffering to write some songs as a musician, but I can't take much more.. Anyway let's not sulk, it'll be ok.
← Return to game
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Finally a new update
I played this VN months ago, and I decided to come back to this now to see its progress. I was really surprised at how there was a complete rewrite of the entire story, and not to mention there was barely any progress from where I left.
Okay, um... you're going to barely progress this way (mostly as a writer) if you keep on doing this.
I'd like to say that the VN is kind of 90% dialogue and 10% narration to me. (Whether this is good or bad, I don't know. This is a visual novel, and so, the art, images, and sfx already satisfy the reader when they read.)
To me, the narration or writing style felt more plot-driven or straight-forward. Of course, I still found the flowery language that's present.
Jayce's childish and goofy nature is really evident throughout the entire story. Maccon's character gives off 'big daddy' vibes (asides from the external looks). John is the naughty kind of boy while David has the enigmatic, quiet troublemaker trope I guess. As for Tom, eh, he's more of a friendly brother, I guess?
Personally, there were scenes that I found quite boring or slow, not much going on and kind of meh.
I've yet to go to the other routes, so I don't really have all that much to say.
Overall, I don't hate it. The best advice I have to say is, to literally just keep on going. Don't rewrite again unless you're finished or you have something that fundamentally changes the story. It can be bothersome to the readers, but hey, it's your story.
okay so i just starting the new update and i got to say, you should TOTALLY add that "why are you running" meme audio to the game, not only is it a missed opportunity if there is a visual novel it fits so well with in terms of goofiness its this one X3
This update was amazing! I loved the ending so much :3
Huh by the way the updates went I thought John was next.
Ok i have some problems with the android build. It starts up normally with the renpy logo but then the game doesnt start. I managed to get it to work once but most of the time after the renpy logo it will just be a black screen. No idea what could be the problem.
Did you try the other version? .3./There are two since some people can't start with the other, unfortunately.
I tried both but for both the same outcome. And I tried it several times and only got it to work twice. I dunno what i did differently to open the game normally those two times, it seems random if it decides to work or not. And if i close the app after it just worked it will not work again after.
Hmm 6w6a I dunno what to do.
Well it seems I'm the only one with that problem, so thats good. Also I played through the Tom update so I wont open the game until the next update again. So I just hope the next updates android version won't have that problem. Maybe it was just a one time fluke. Take your time with the next update nwn!
Tom is so, so sweet ;w; I love him so much~
A game to truly describe my life
Emotional gay nervous wreck
Aren't we all? lol
when I saw this game I could not wait to see what happens next and I ship Mac and jay all the way! and him with Rask and Tom I how to see the next update be bigger than the last! but I can wait to so don't worry I won't rush you.
I find this vn too relatable personally to give proper criticism. What I will say is take your time with it(with the sick-neck-thing) and make sure your heart is in it. Love this vn and find the art and animation beautiful.
I will try to find some healthy criticism to give, but that'll have to wait until future updates or I play it enough times. Either way, keep up the great work! :)
i don't think a vn has ever made me laugh more then this one did !
I Love every single character their interactions with eachother the Humour the animations,Jayce's Expression sprites the writing, just woah @o@ .
I hope you get better Monchi just know that a lot of people here support you !
lots of love <333
I love how the characters act to different things, also when Jayce needs to eat, and just goes OMNOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM like crazy, no fucks or anything
t'was my first time going down maccon's route
The sprites are great, the animations are good and flow well. Some moments with the autoscroll are good and pretty charming as well. Music while being mainly or completely royalty free fits the scenes and doesn't detract from the overall experience.
The humor is crude and personally annoying, but that's a matter of taste. Sexuality is depicted in such a hilariously infantile way that it makes me question whether this is supposed to parody or sincerely represent gay men. These are college students, not middle schoolers just getting their first real kick of testosterone. I sincerely hope some of these "death scenes" get cut from the final release as whatever message or moral you're trying to present regarding social anxiety and trauma gets completely shattered by mood whiplash when you stumble upon one of these.
I don't struggle with social anxiety so I can't comment on the accuracy of its portrayal here. The story is paced a little awkwardly but I wasn't too bothered. That being said, the latest update felt very vapid. A large part of text seemed to be dedicated to fanservice without regard for the core of the story. I do find it hard to believe someone like Jayce who overthinks simple customer service interactions would be able to call a man he just met a "huge slab of meat on the sidewalk". This makes it seem like interactions are comprised of canon and noncanon tongue-in-cheek moments which make it really hard to follow any outline for Jayce's character. This isn't brave of pushing boundaries, it's just getting unreadable. I hope you realize where I'm getting with this. Some fluff is fine, but this is dripping with excess.
Minor spoilers here.
The scene preceded by the very first set of choices in the game leading Jayce to have a panic attack is done pretty well. Sound effects, out-of-bounds text and blurred vision combine to show a harrowing scene where the main character loses control over his mind and body. This scene ends with a teacher offering assistance and we're almost immediately greeted with the text: "Your panic attack was conquered by the power of sexy."
This isn't cute. If you want this to be taken seriously, then write seriously. If not, congratulations, you've created mockery. I don't know what your intentions for this visual novel are, but so far it seems you're more interested in writing pornography. If so, I wish you all the best and I hope your patrons will be satisfied with your work. If you're trying to write something substantive, then I will pray you find the courage to approach your work with more honesty and take yourself more seriously. That is all.
How dare you give me good criticism that I've been asking for months now! >:( *Upvotes*
.3./ All I can reply to the weird nature of my writing is the "Cultural Difference". >3Ob that's all, thanks for the criticism btw! Also he's not a teacher o3o~
the "cultural difference" writing sounds like 13y/o wattpad writing
Just because it's criticism, you shouldn't blindly take it as valid, though. I find the characters' behaviour perfectly relatable for young adults.
Hey monchi :3
I'd like to suggest something, though I won't pressure you to add this/these.
> Adding a time limit to routes - A story with a limit may be a way to plan ahead and set the plots and events to specific days for a faster development (not really). Like for example, 20 days like in Sileo, a month like in Morenatsu, or just leave it the way it is now and the point of the story will still get across like Kingsguard, which has no actual timeline (observation? I dunno the word).
- David is kinda cute ( understatement ), and some of us may want a route of him. Maybe his birthday would be soon added near the start of the story, so that he'd be legible to date, then at the rest of his route after his birthday, Jayce would be developing his feelings for him and eventually leading to... you know..
(. _. )
>More bachelors- Maybe this will be added in the future for more content, but having less bachelors means more concentration on a certain route/story and less distraction and pessure.
Once again, I'm not pressuring you to add all of these, I don't want to be the cause of anything bad happening to you, your health is important to us, we support you, Laban lang lods ^w^
so he isn't stuck rewriting the first and second day for a half year anymore
Agreed, I'd quite like a route with David myself. He seems charming, and very handsome/sexy to boot for that matter! Would be highly appreciated if you did deign to add a route for him down the road!
Otherwise the humor is great so far, and looking forward to learning more about the characters!
where here's the og one
Not to get political or anything but...
Cuuuute OwO
.C. *still figuring it out while destroying my mental state*
Does anyone else have to put vn's in a secure folder ? 😂
I wish :3 My desktop is scattered with all my vn's, I should probably start putting them in a folder too ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
Lmao yea
Named my secure folder "Security" :v
I keep all of my vn and furry stuff/smut in a folder on a two terabyte hard drive
The update may be delayed, due to medical reasons. I'm... dying 8C *abscess around the chin and neck*
*slowly push the tip jar of "give me free money" with my feet while I play MH :RISE in bed.*
Your health is priority, the update can wait for as long as you need. Rest and take care of yourself-
Hopefully it goes away on its own-
Your wellbeing is more important, take care man!
Hope you get well soon!
Don't worry Im sure we can all wait even for 2 months if needed. Just take your time to get better and hope you get well soon!
Sorry to hear about that. Health needs to come first. Hopefully you are feeling better.
Sad that the update will be delayed :(
But your health is more important. Hope you be better soon.
We can wait 8)
I, myself, have been waiting for the next update of geometry dash since 2 years ago, and I'm willing to wait more for this VN's next update.
No need to rush since we don't want you overexerting yourself over our personal satisfactions, rest if you need, rest, then proceed. Good luck on the rest of your journey mate!
any updates?
It will be on the 25th I believe.
Theres sex sceans?
not in this vn in other vn's
Oh you are just saying in general.
Thats what im saying
Thanks for yelling at people for how they choose to play a game. Fuck, I pay attention to the story and even I’m annoyed by this comment. Some times people just wanna get there rocks off
I'm saying they dont appreciate anything in the game ,they just want to see furry sex scenes
Wait- are there people who actually do that??? What's the point of the VN then, just go watch porn!
Because sometimes porn just isn't enough
Unfortunately, you can't stop them from doing what they want. It's their inner desires. Yes you can cuss at them but nope you can't tell them what they should do. It's their choice anyways no need to be pissed off ya know.
This visual novel is freaking fantastic! I love the hell out of this. Got cute, sweet, fun, sexy furry guys. Some real heart with them. And FUNNY as hell! I rarely get to laugh so hard in my life as I did with this VN. Tom put some *serious* work in this with the massive amount of expressions from the characters, including the player character. And some of the expressions were beyond golden for the moment (the 'scissoring' moment was and still is my personal favorite).
Can't wait to get to see more, I hope lots more!
does anyone know when the rask update will come?
Is there a discord server?
Im loving it, cant wait for more tom <3
have they decided on the date for next update yet? also whos route is updating next?
If I'm looking correctly it is John who is next. The release of the next update my guess is maybe in 4 or 5 more days but it is just a guess so dont take my word for it.
Edit:It looks like I was wrong about the day.
Someone pls tell me what's the firt song name at the mainmenu plz :'( i can' search ittt
He really sums up the intorverted but insane when at the right people.
Wow, I go through a ton of VNs (seriously, way too many) and this one right off the bad is so different. All the people moving, the animations for characters, Jayce's facial expressions, everything seems so lively in a way that I have never seen in a VN before.
It is really amazing and I am super excited to get further in!
2 things
1) the route selection is completely random tbh. I got lucky and happened on Maccon on my first choices (those pecs). Would be nice if it was easier to know which choices went to which routes.
2) It's short :'( but I can't really fault you for that, every VN has to start somewhere and I loved the content so far. Keep it up!
The route selection is the opposite of random. Your first two choices determine which of the four routes you get.
Wait...there are routes? Going off of that, I think I might be playing through Maccon's
Random as in I, as a player, could not choose the route that I want. The choices are unlabeled and therefore, I can only choose randomly and hope for what I wanted.
It takes very little experimentation to figure it out, so it hardly matters. Anyway, enjoy.
Oh god, this game is too relatable lmao
Also, a Filipino author? :0 Never seen that here before
Edit: oh yeah, forgot to mention. Is the author my classmate or something?! Looking back at it now, every single scenario and dialogue reflected back at my life as a student and as a socially awkward idiot - _-
Well, the humour hits well, as well as... well.. yeah.. anyways *dwindles fingers* (. _. )
9w9 you got a baaad computer.
I'm using a phone qwq
Wait wth, monchimutt! :000000
Yeah, this happens sometimes. Might as well report it, and eagerly wait for the fix, thank youuu ^^
I didn't expect too that the creator is a FIlipino too.
Just got playing this game recently. At the first background which is at home, I thought it was vaguely familiar that the home was kind of Filipino style until I saw the Puppybee (the Jollibee) and out of nowhere, laughter with happiness came out. I don't know why I felt that but one thing for sure is that he is certainly a Filipino and I'm also a Filipino. Great Job; it may be short but there's always a start; please keep up and I'll be waiting for the next update patiently. Hahaha
Yeeahh unexpected.
Di ko inakala na meron palang mga Pinoy na nag uupload ng files dito :0
Also, a delayed update is better than having no updates at all. There's nothing we can do to help, so we must wait.
I know right. Pero masmaganda man lang sana kung ang eskwelahan ay galing rin sa realidad, I mean, no kidding, every graphics and backgrounds are amazing, it's just that it's better if he focused just on reality backgrounds or drawn backgrounds. Just my preference of every visual novel I played.
Tama ka rin na masmagandang maghintay kaysa ang paghinto ng VN. We can wait, no matter what.
Everyone should too
Oh yeah, the references😆
I know, it's unexpecting that he used that. Love it hahaha
is this VN sfw? I just dont understand why it`s "18+
There isn't NSFW stuff YET, but there will be, I'm shure
There are some, for example, BL VN that are NSFW and some are not (I think) because it depends on the characters if they're buff and sexy and there are some that looked totally normal for others like "Ahh, this is a kind of visual novel I know", or something like that wouldn't gross them out. And they tell you that it's 18+ because there will be sex scene or intimidate scene inappropriate to 17 below.
Also, why bring at work when you're working, when you could play it at home, all alone (not saying the house should be empty but in your room alone without disturbance)
David has a route right
He's underage so no.
aren't they all in college ?
Yep but for some reason, David's 17. It's not been explained yet but it could just be a case that he started school early or he was capable of skipping a grade (Most likely the former)
ohhh buts its still possible he'll get a route if like a year goes by which makes him 18. but if not then nope.
In our hearts.
Wait.....is John.....gay?
He's Bi
Oh wow
I was expecting he was gay, but not into the MC, I think. Just my perspective.
Just wanted to join the chorus in saying - this VN is awesome!
I really feel the characters coming to life, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing!
Don't feel guilty about being depressed and not getting as much work done as you'd like. So many people have issues with depression, especially creative people. I hate to say it, but the pain is, an will always be part of the whole. I've used my covid-isolation suffering to write some songs as a musician, but I can't take much more.. Anyway let's not sulk, it'll be ok.
Much love!
...I'm pretty sure "Alaya Mall" is based off of Ayala Mall from the Philippines(where I live).
Yep! The dev's Filipino so that's why there's some Filipino references.
If you are not filipino or have any spanish accent or traits, how did you pronounce longanisa?