Oooookaaay a bit of a setback .3.a the scenes did not go so well... *Just dies* I'll update when... I think it's ready... OKAY!? ;A; STOP PRESSURING ME!!! DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS CAN!! ;A;/ *hold up empty can*
/.w./ Update will be either today or tomorrow, depending on how the test run goes. STOP ASKING ME FOR AN UPDATE!! ;3;/ YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!!! \ OAO/
I have the power of gay, and anime on my side. LET'S GOOOO!!! jk jk but in all seriousness thank you so much for making this vn. Its literally one of the greatest ones I've read. Between the animations and script, I was nonstop laughing!
Well our patience is gonna be rewarded soon, Monchi just confirmed the release of the update will be today or tomorrow. Also, I think his timezone is UTC+8:00 so that explains the different dates of the updates that you're experiencing.
Not sure if Im doing something wrong here but I just downloaded the game recently and for some reason whenever I take the route where I meet Maccon in the yard and miss orientation and then go to sleep after dinner with Tom it takes me right back to the title screen. Is it supposed to do that? Tried deleting and downloading the game(version 0.15) and the same thing keeps happening! Help?
Hello, I was wondering what the name for the music tracks in the game's ost are so that I might listen to them. Or if they'll be uploaded to youtube at one point.
I really like this VN. I used to have panic attacks in the past, but i never noticed it is, bc i'm was really young. Breath was hard, heatbeat fast, and just cry until i dried. xd
Well i really enjoyed, but i had to figure out by myself the routes. I have only one problem, it's not accurate. I can't know what will happen. I want a route with Jhon or David, but i can't know what will happen after a choice, it's literally luck game to get the rout what you want. It's not an insult but i think would be better to make a more accurate system. :D Yesterday i just played through twice for Jhon's route.
Is that canon? Because David is in college together with Jayce and gang so i thought he would be the same age as them. Macoon and Tom are older while Rask, John and David would be around the same age.
It actually is, which is why Monchi doesn't want to make a route for him (which is completely understandable.)
Monchi's tweets about David:
As to why he's in College despite not being 18, it might just be because he started earlier? Or he was able to skip a grade? Those two reasons come to mind. There isn't actually an explanation for that yet.
Ah, you meant the specific ages. Thought you were concerned if any of the routes was a minor haha. Anyways, no specific ages were mentioned but I think it's implied that Maccon's the oldest? Correct me if I'm wrong.
New game - right-yes-bow-hold on Tom -near the windows-mexican-maybe–thats enough-its empty-ill ask them- Dancing-go for it-okay-I accept-yes-no it’ll fit-nevermind-do nothing-rich food–medium well
New game - right-yes-bow-hold on Tom
-near the windows-mexican-maybe–thats enough-its empty-ill ask them-
Dancing-go for it-okay-I accept-yes-no it’ll fit-nevermind-do nothing-rich food–medium well
Okay, let me just stop for a second and applaud you for literally listing down each individual choice from the start and to the end of the game. That takes some serious dedication, that's actually really cool of you to do.
Thank you ,I’m on android so its esyer just to tap and when I get to a choice I Wright down what I choose and if it doesn’t work ,i choose a different choice until i get there 😁❤
it's delayed so he can release more content in one go. i wonder if he'll get a third day because his second day was removed and hopefully brought back with addition. but for now, let's just wait because it's all we can do, after all making a vn is not easy
Like 2 month ago i asked if David may please have a route and i prayed for at least an answer. I'm ok if he will not have it but doesn't it seem rude to you not to give an answer either to me or to anyone who literally hangs on your every word? There's really a lot of poeple in crush with that little cutie who want to find it out. if you fcking really don't want to make that cutie dateable(and have to be that because there isn't any other good excuse) at least SAY IT! Now i fell for someone whose i cannot even reveal my feellings to! i really enjoy your art work i'm not a hater. I have the feeling that i will be judge for what i'm saying but you have to know you're so good and you can be a real hight professional but close yourself from your fans whitout responding them isn't the best you can do and i know it
I don't know how Maccon's route was before rework but right now it feels more like a David route and I'd rather it stays that way. David is just too sweet to ignore. At least let him and John stay together.
He has actually confirmed a couple of times in the past that David won't be getting a route any time soon since he's already dealing with 4 routes and especially because David isn't even 18.
(Also, side note, I understand that getting no reply is a bit frustrating but keep in mind that this visual novel is being developed by a SINGLE person. Monchi has to write the story for the routes, draw the art, do the coding (Not to mention the fact that the way he makes every sprite EXTREMELY expressive makes the coding process even harder to do, let alone for a single person.) and that he has his own life outside the visual novel. Please try to be a bit more understanding and patient with him, especially since he isn't even obligated to develop this visual novel in the first place since it's free to download and play.
Also, not trying to hate on you or anything, just trying to clarify.)
Yeah, it sucks David isn't getting a route at this point... Also, I don't think it's explained why he's in college when he's not yet 18? I mean, we have a college that has a high school with it, but usually when you see someone in college, you have an assumption about their age... It's not hard to just change David's age to be legal...
I actually didn't seen that post... I'm sorry. I think i misunderstood and overreacted a bit too much. I'm not gonna change my crush for him but at least i understood it's an NSFW game sooo it would be really a bad thing. thank you
I think Monchimutt is a cutie and if they were a dateable character in Socially Awkward, I'd only date them in the first playthrough once their entire route was finished.
Oh, well. I will wait as long as it takes. For those who have been reading from the beggining, do updates advance every route a little or focus on just a route or two?
Hey can someone explain to me why the main character (the cat) doesn't like his hair/is scared of showing it I'm at the part where the coach takes off his hat and I don't understand the whole back story on it
Why can't i download the last normal version (15.0) of this Visual Novel without counting the Christmas version (both in android)? When i try to download the 15.0 one it says that "The app has not been instaled" over and over. I don't know what to do. No offense, but i dont want to start playing this Vn without the character's original clothes. It just feels, out of the season and uncomfortable.
← Return to game
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Oooookaaay a bit of a setback .3.a the scenes did not go so well... *Just dies*
I'll update when... I think it's ready... OKAY!? ;A; STOP PRESSURING ME!!! DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS CAN!! ;A;/ *hold up empty can*
Love this guy👆
Grab the rainbow pitchforks, everyone! Wasn't even checking the page, so it's a nice surprise that the update is near.
Fill that empty can with tea or something and relax man you really need it
It's over monchi, I have the high ground UwU
/.w./ Update will be either today or tomorrow, depending on how the test run goes. STOP ASKING ME FOR AN UPDATE!! ;3;/ YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!!! \ OAO/
Don't underestimate our power of horniness ÒwÓ
I have the power of gay, and anime on my side. LET'S GOOOO!!! jk jk but in all seriousness thank you so much for making this vn. Its literally one of the greatest ones I've read. Between the animations and script, I was nonstop laughing!
Yeh we dun havb power. dominate us daddy monchi UwU
I hope monchi won't get affected by filipino proscrastinating genes 🤣
Lmao love seeing fellow Filipinos here
today is the day ! (Hopefully)
i sure hope so ^^
Is there no universal release for the android version that isnt the christmas edition?
Unfortunately, no. But the next update may come tomorrow if Monchi decides to go back to the "every 25th of the month" update schedule.
Aaaand I stand corrected lmao (I'll still be patient though, you never know.)
There's still hope. At least for me, it usually shows up on the 26 in the morning, this might just be because of my timezone though (EST)
Well our patience is gonna be rewarded soon, Monchi just confirmed the release of the update will be today or tomorrow. Also, I think his timezone is UTC+8:00 so that explains the different dates of the updates that you're experiencing.
I wonder if Jayce will become the man in the profile
I like how this comment section is called the socially awkward comment section🤣
Totally relatable lol
Not sure if Im doing something wrong here but I just downloaded the game recently and for some reason whenever I take the route where I meet Maccon in the yard and miss orientation and then go to sleep after dinner with Tom it takes me right back to the title screen. Is it supposed to do that? Tried deleting and downloading the game(version 0.15) and the same thing keeps happening! Help?
Maccon doesn't have a second day yet .3.a the next update will.
Hi .3. Do you have an Instagram?
Ah. Now i feel slow. I guess i shouldve known the game wasnt done yet haha. Other than that the games great man keep it up!
Hello, I was wondering what the name for the music tracks in the game's ost are so that I might listen to them. Or if they'll be uploaded to youtube at one point.
I really like this VN. I used to have panic attacks in the past, but i never noticed it is, bc i'm was really young. Breath was hard, heatbeat fast, and just cry until i dried. xd
Well i really enjoyed, but i had to figure out by myself the routes. I have only one problem, it's not accurate. I can't know what will happen. I want a route with Jhon or David, but i can't know what will happen after a choice, it's literally luck game to get the rout what you want. It's not an insult but i think would be better to make a more accurate system. :D Yesterday i just played through twice for Jhon's route.
I really curious about the story!
ther are 8 characters bit there’s only 4 route’s ,maby in the next update ther will be more (btw:David is not 18 yet lol)
Hmmm. :D I hope we will get the update fast. :D
Is that canon? Because David is in college together with Jayce and gang so i thought he would be the same age as them. Macoon and Tom are older while Rask, John and David would be around the same age.
It actually is, which is why Monchi doesn't want to make a route for him (which is completely understandable.)
Monchi's tweets about David:
As to why he's in College despite not being 18, it might just be because he started earlier? Or he was able to skip a grade? Those two reasons come to mind. There isn't actually an explanation for that yet.
The route is decided within your first two choices.
I think you're right. Kinda figured out.
I confused…how old is everyone?
y u ask
Everyone's 18+, if that's your concern.
i meant in the game 😛
Ah, you meant the specific ages. Thought you were concerned if any of the routes was a minor haha. Anyways, no specific ages were mentioned but I think it's implied that Maccon's the oldest? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I really don't want to come off as annoying or whiney but, when is the next update?
Fr tho its been a month
omg Rask is so cute I can't wait for the next update to see him more and find out more about him!
I’m trying to figure out how he sleeps Whith no pillow and that position 😂🤣
Weirdly enough that's how I sometimes sleep
Lol it hurts my neck
yeah for me the only downside is my bed getting undone
D'oh I actually sleep like that too many times, anyone who wants to sleep with me sure won't be pleased haha
Maby in the next update we can see the reaction to that scene
is this currently in the game
Which route is this in?
I can give you all the routes if you want 🙂
What do you mean?
New game - right-yes-bow-hold on Tom -near the windows-mexican-maybe–thats enough-its empty-ill ask them- Dancing-go for it-okay-I accept-yes-no it’ll fit-nevermind-do nothing-rich food–medium well
Thank you kind VN shepherd, no but seriously thank you, I really appreciate this.
HEY! >C</ BAD! *deletes*
One question, when the game is updated will I have to uninstall it or does it just update? owo
.3.a if its PC sure, if its android, no.
Oh thanks!
Pls tell me there more . I ended on John baiting Jayce in his room ...🥵and did all the other topics
what? when did john bait jayce into his room?
New game - right-yes-bow-hold on Tom -near the windows-mexican-maybe–thats enough-its empty-ill ask them- Dancing-go for it-okay-I accept-yes-no it’ll fit-nevermind-do nothing-rich food–medium well
Okay, let me just stop for a second and applaud you for literally listing down each individual choice from the start and to the end of the game. That takes some serious dedication, that's actually really cool of you to do.
Thank you ,I’m on android so its esyer just to tap and when I get to a choice I Wright down what I choose and if it doesn’t work ,i choose a different choice until i get there 😁❤
Monchi behind the scenes having writers block 😭😭😭
confused. Cannot go further than first day. Ends when Jayce chats with Tom in bed
The game is not competed fully yet, so you have to wait till it updates to move on
But I thought there should be more than one day.
They most likely just updated a diff route
Have you done all the other topics?
The beef gang.
I love your humor and this VN.
I really can't wait the new updateee!
Where is maccon's route? 😭 So sad!
it's delayed so he can release more content in one go. i wonder if he'll get a third day because his second day was removed and hopefully brought back with addition. but for now, let's just wait because it's all we can do, after all making a vn is not easy
ive been trying to install this for about a month for my android phone, and all 3 of them say app not installed (i have enough storage space as well)
uhh... 9A9a ... what phone is it?
Android :3
what model xD
I guess we'll never know!
I'm guessing that it's some kind of security app he's installed that is not allowing him to install the package thinking that is virus.
Like 2 month ago i asked if David may please have a route and i prayed for at least an answer. I'm ok if he will not have it but doesn't it seem rude to you not to give an answer either to me or to anyone who literally hangs on your every word? There's really a lot of poeple in crush with that little cutie who want to find it out. if you fcking really don't want to make that cutie dateable(and have to be that because there isn't any other good excuse) at least SAY IT! Now i fell for someone whose i cannot even reveal my feellings to! i really enjoy your art work i'm not a hater. I have the feeling that i will be judge for what i'm saying but you have to know you're so good and you can be a real hight professional but close yourself from your fans whitout responding them isn't the best you can do and i know it
I don't know how Maccon's route was before rework but right now it feels more like a David route and I'd rather it stays that way. David is just too sweet to ignore. At least let him and John stay together.
He has actually confirmed a couple of times in the past that David won't be getting a route any time soon since he's already dealing with 4 routes and especially because David isn't even 18.
(Also, side note, I understand that getting no reply is a bit frustrating but keep in mind that this visual novel is being developed by a SINGLE person. Monchi has to write the story for the routes, draw the art, do the coding (Not to mention the fact that the way he makes every sprite EXTREMELY expressive makes the coding process even harder to do, let alone for a single person.) and that he has his own life outside the visual novel. Please try to be a bit more understanding and patient with him, especially since he isn't even obligated to develop this visual novel in the first place since it's free to download and play.
Also, not trying to hate on you or anything, just trying to clarify.)
There's four? Who's the fourth?
Yeah, it sucks David isn't getting a route at this point... Also, I don't think it's explained why he's in college when he's not yet 18? I mean, we have a college that has a high school with it, but usually when you see someone in college, you have an assumption about their age... It's not hard to just change David's age to be legal...
Oh well, maybe in the future, I hope.
I actually didn't seen that post... I'm sorry. I think i misunderstood and overreacted a bit too much. I'm not gonna change my crush for him but at least i understood it's an NSFW game sooo it would be really a bad thing. thank you
I think Monchimutt is a cutie and if they were a dateable character in Socially Awkward, I'd only date them in the first playthrough once their entire route was finished.
This has so many filipino reference I swear-
(Especially Puppybee lmao)
PS I'm not hating
glad i'm not the only one.
Come on, "alaya mall"? That mall is exclusive to phillipines.(ayala)
The first time I played this, the moment that the game mentioned ajinomoto was the moment that I realized that Monchi's Filipino lmao
Lol same
Oh, well. I will wait as long as it takes. For those who have been reading from the beggining, do updates advance every route a little or focus on just a route or two?
If I remember correctly, each update gives more content for one route
I love all the emotions that show up and I love my boy Tom~
Literally Still waiting from the 14th
me waiting in the corner for the update
Someone has a version of the game before maccons route got reworked?
Hey can someone explain to me why the main character (the cat) doesn't like his hair/is scared of showing it I'm at the part where the coach takes off his hat and I don't understand the whole back story on it
He has parents of two different species, which is taboo. The white stripes are from one of his parents.
oh ok thanks for telling me!
Tom was hotter on his original sprites.
Meh \ .3./
His face looks better now but his body is too large, especially compared to his shape 2 years prior.
Myeeeeh / >3</
Don't listen to the haters. Tom is perfect in any form. Cup form is preferable cause he causes massive thirst.
i dont think he is a hater he is just telling what he thinks about the new sprite is all. he was not trying to be mean or at least i think he wasn't
The hell is a cup form?
what's the song that plays at the title screen?
Why can't i download the last normal version (15.0) of this Visual Novel without counting the Christmas version (both in android)? When i try to download the 15.0 one it says that "The app has not been instaled" over and over. I don't know what to do. No offense, but i dont want to start playing this Vn without the character's original clothes. It just feels, out of the season and uncomfortable.
Same bere ;^; some of the visual i cant update them
Err... must be an imcompatible version @w@a supposedly there's two but the update replaced it so... maybe... in the next official update? XD